Guidelines for Parent's

Encourage your ward to speak in English at all times. Politeness in speech, low volume and decent language speak a lot about the child. Arrogance, argument, pride and Indifference do not leave a good impression. Ensure that your child cultivates the right qualities.

>>  Check the school diary regularly for messages and complaints if any, from the teachers.
>>  Avoid delivering your ward's tiffin at the school gate.
>>  Check the school haircut, uniform and punctuality of your ward.
>>  See that your ward carries books/exercise books according to the timetable for that day. Encourage your ward to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.
>>  Restrict daily pocket money. Excessive spending should be discouraged.
>>  Lunch should be properly packed so that the notebooks are not stained or spoiled. A napkin should always be handy.
>>  Any change of address or telephone number should be notified immediately to the school.

Check that your ward does not carry prohibited articles to school. Wearing jewellery in school is also strictly prohibited. Violation of these rules will lead to punishment of your ward. The articles/money will be confiscated.

Criticism of a teacher should be avoided in the presence of the child because it undermines respect for the teachers and the school. Should your have a legitimate complaint, please meet the Class Teacher/Coordinator/Principal.

Make sure that you meet the Class Teacher and Subject Teacher on all Parent Teacher Meeting. Kindly adhere to the timings given. You can meet a teacher at the reception only during visiting hours with the permission of the Head. No parent/guardian should visit any classroom to meet the concerned teacher under any circumstances.

Ensure that your ward wears the Identity Card and comes to school in uniform on Parent-Teacher Meeting days. The school reserves the right to detain or deny promotion to a student whose performance continues to remain unsatisfactory.

You are requested to impart Health Education to your children so that he/she maintains personal hygiene like paring finger nails and being neat on a regular basis.

You are requested not to spend lavishly on food, cake, presents, etc. on a child's birthday as it disrupts the school's discipline. At the most, parents are requested to send only sweets for the class children. Anything more than this will be sent back.